Steam Boilers


ENERGYMIZER is a Fully Automatic, Superefficient, Coil Type, Quick Steaming Solid Fuel fired Mini Steam Boiler, having thermal efficiency of 85% on NCV of fuel. ENERGYMIZER is designed to operate on a wide variety of solid fuels, such as coal, biomass briquettes, bagasse, rice husk, wood, groundnut shell etc.


  • 85% overall thermal efficiency based on net calorific value (NCV or LHV). The 85% overall thermal efficiency results in large savings in fuel consumption.
  • ENERGYMIZER is designed for a wide variety of solid fuels such as coal, biomass briquettes, bagasse, rice husk, wood, groundnut shell etc.
  • The solid fuel fired boiler ENERGYMIZER has optimized configuration of heating surfaces and tube sizes for efficient operation of the boiler.
  • The solid fuel fired boiler ENERGYMIZER is provided with superefficient Tangential Entry Multi-clone and Bag Filter (patented technology) for meeting most stringent air pollution norms for solid particulate matter (SPM).
  • The solid fuel fired boiler ENERGYMIZER can also be supplied along with Flue Gas Desulfurization (FGD) plants (in-house technology) for the most stringent air pollution norms for SOx emissions.


Model QS-500

Type A Non IBR Boiler (fully exempted from Indian Boiler Regulations)
Dryness Fraction 98% Dry and Saturated Thermal Efficiency (on NCV of fuel) 80%
Safety Valve Set Pressure 12.0 kg/cm 2(g) Power Consumed 8 kW
Steam Generation on Coal (F&A 100) 500 kg/h Steam Generation on Coal (Actual*) 426 kg/h

Model QS-1000

Type A Small Industrial Boiler (SIB) (partially exempted from Indian Boiler Regulations)
Dryness Fraction 98% Dry and Saturated Thermal Efficiency (on NCV of fuel) 85%
Safety Valve Set Pressure 12.0 kg/cm 2(g) Power Consumed 12 kW
Steam Generation on Coal (F&A 100) 1000 kg/h Steam Generation on Coal (Actual*) 852 kg/h


Solid Fuel fired automatic boiler, ENERGIMIZER is a water tube boiler used for economical industrial process heating applications where solid fuels are easily available.