
WHRS on Engine Generators
TESPL has developed a wide variety of superefficient Heat Recovery Systems for harnessing all types of waste heat, originating from various fuels and from different industrial sources. TESPL offers high efficiency waste heat recovery based Steam generators, Thermal Oil Heaters, Hot Air Generators and Hot Water Generators. These Waste Heat Recovery systems are provided with Economizers which improve their thermal output and efficiency. TESPL superefficient Waste Heat Recovery Systems find ideal applications in Cogeneration Systems working on Reciprocating Engines.
The Steam Generators, Thermal Oil Heaters, Hot Air Generators and Hot Water Generators are designed specifically to tap various sources of waste heat such as
- Exhaust heat recovery from Reciprocating Engine driven Gen-sets used for Captive Power
- Jacket heat recovery from Engine
TESPL has expertise in converting this waste energy into the most beneficial form of energy for any customer. Energy is consumed in various forms like steam, hot water, hot thermal oil, Chilling, refrigeration etc. at different locations in the process plant. High efficiency Waste Heat Recovery Steam Generators, Thermal Oil Heaters, Hot Air Generators and Hot Water Generators cater to these requirements.
In case of large capacity Engines, typically 12 MW and above, the quantity of heat rejected is substantial and the option of secondary power generation through installation of WHRPP on Engine Exhaust gases becomes viable.
Salient Features
- Fully automatic bypass system ensures safety of engines in case of abrupt shut downs.
- State-of-the-art instrumentation and controls for easy operation and maintenance.
- Reduces Energy cost and improves productivity.
- Waste heat from multiple engines can be combined to install a common WHRPP.
- Air cooled systems could be offered to save water.
- Reduces CO2 Emission and earns Carbon Credits.
- Supports sustainable development initiatives.
- Lowest payback periods & highest life cycle earnings.
- System is fully automatic, simple to operate & maintain.
- The implementation of work can be done in phases.